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Are you beginning to wonder when you will get married? Will you be young and carefree, or old and wise when you get married? Take this quiz to find out at what age you will get married!
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1. How old are you?
A. Under 18
B. 19-25
C. 26-32
D. Over 33
2. How many children would you like to have?
A. None
B. One or Two
C. Whole football team
3. How would you describe yourself?
A. Rather traditional and conservative
B. Rather progressive and trend-conscious
C. Stark raving bonkers
4. Are you in a relationship?
A. Yes, we're really happy together
B. Yes, we have our ups and downs but we're generally happy
C. I'm kind of inbetween relationships right now
D. No, I can't seem to find the right person for me